Jumping rope is a weight-bearing exercise and will promote greater bone mass and prevent osteoporosis, especially if you’re a woman. It also helps relieve stress by encouraging the production of endorphins to make you feel good!
The jump rope is probably the best all-around piece of exercise equipment you can own, says Buddy Lee, the nation’s leading jump rope conditioning coach and member of two U.S. Olympic wrestling teams.

It is the perfect exercise for housewives, working women, female models, female performers, and women who work under any organization for the well-being of people's lives and health. Ask Fitness model Dr. Sara Solomon and photographer Emmie Pehush, who each lost over 50 lbs and transformed their lives after completing Buddy Lee’s Jump Rope Certifications Level 1-3. They are now encouraging other women to incorporate jump rope for weight loss, better health, increased energy levels and overall better quality of life.
Before we get started, here are a few tips.
Equipment: Use a speed jump rope that can be adjusted to your height. Choose tennis shoes with good forefoot support, as you will be landing on the balls of your feet. It is also advisable to wear a good support bra.
Surface: Choose a wooden or rubberized surface with equal give and rebound. This will reduce the impact on your knees and joints.
Proper Form: Keep body upright and focus straight ahead, keep arms close to sides and make small circles with the wrists. Only jump high enough to clear the rope.
Warm up and cool down: Warm up with light cardio like a walk or jumping in place before you start and cool down with some stretches when you’re done, especially stretch the calves.
For a great fat-blasting routine: Stand with your feet hip-width apart, with your weight on the balls of your feet and your knees slightly bent. To minimize the impact yet still promote bone density, jump only 1/2 inch off the ground. Push through the floor with the balls of your feet, pointing your toes downward as you lift off. Do ten sets of ten jumps, increasing the number until you can do 100 jumps nonstop. Once you've mastered that, gradually build to 500 jumps non stop and eventually move onto this five minutes circuit:
1) Basic Bounce/Alternate Foot Step
Warm up with a combination of the basic bounce (jump in place with feet together) and the alternate foot step (jump with one foot then on the second turn of the rope, switch feet; continue alternating feet, as if jogging in place). Alternate between the two techniques (4 jumps, then switch) for one minute.
2) Forward/Backward Line Hops
Place the rope in a straight line on the ground and in front of you. Jump forward, landing softly on your toes with the rope behind you. Immediately jump back to start. Continue for one minute.
3) Body Weight Squats
Fold the jump rope in half and hold taut above your head as you would a body bar. Keep your arms and core engaged for a full minute of controlled squats using just your body weight.
4) High-Knee Lifts
Do the Alternate Foot Step, but as you lift each foot off the ground, bend your knee and raise it toward your chest, while maintaining the pace of the jump rope. Continue alternating for one minute.
5) Alternate Foot Step Sprint
Finish strong with one minute of the alternate footstep; jump as fast as you can without breaking form. Count your right foot each time you turn the rope and multiply by 2 to get the total number of jumps at the end of the one minute. Your goal is to average at least 2-3 turns per second or 120 to 180 tpm (turns per minute). Good luck and rope to success®!
For more information, please visit www.buddyleejumpropes.com